
Busy week for Socialist Students

25th Jan 2011 - Andrew Howe

Image from the anti-Nestle campaignNext week (beginning Jan 31st) is going to be a busy one for Socialist Students Southampton. Having been on hiatus since the end of December, first due to the winter break and then exams, things are going to pick up again quickly.

A brief rundown of what's going on:

The first Union Council of 2011 will meet. This particular Union Council will be of interest, as Chloe Green (President of the Feminist Society) will be taking a motion to council which calls for the Student Union to boycott Nestle products, due to Nestle's shady dealings in the third world. Chloe has received a torrent of negative and offensive comments regarding this issue, which is seen as divisive in the student community.
Socialist Students support the motion, and will be voting in favour. Read more about the issue in Chloe's own words, at the original Wessex Scene article here.

After a long hiatus, Socialist Students will be having its first meeting of 2011, to discuss ongoing events and make plans for the rest of the semester. Much will be decided here, so come along and have your say.

The first Engineering and Computing Careers Fair of 2011 will be held on campus, seeing the return of a slew of arms companies vying to entice undergraduates and graduates alike. The last careers fair was met with a controversial protest against the arms companies, with Socialist Students taking part alongside the Amnesty Society and Green Action. Socialist Students will be involved in another protest this time around. Details of other participants to be confirmed.

A Southampton based protest against the planned government cuts in public spending will be held at midday in the new Guildhall Square. The Southampton Shop Stewards Network has organized the protest, which will be aimed against the Tory-led council which plans to axe jobs, pay and conditions for council workers. Socialist Students Southampton will be there, standing alongside workers in what is going to be the most important fight for a generation.

Come to our next meeting: Banner making, Tuesday November 1st at 19:30, Nuffield Theatre Room B